These are websites that provide drills, tools and targets that you can download and print for FREE.
The ORIGINAL Dot Torture at Pistol-Training.com, along with its origin story (totally worth the read for historical context):
The F.A.S.T. Test with printable target:
Rangemaster printable playing card targets:
John Daub's 106-page collection of drills:
Citizens Safety Academy's printable targets & drills:
Tactical Development, creators of the AR15 mag loader, have also provided printable USPSA targets, scaled for dry fire:
Shameless plug for my own FREE dry fire targets:
MantisX Laser Academy printable targets:
(You'll have to scroll down to the link that says "Laser Academy Targets")
Aaron Cowan's printable target, including the "Eleanor Drill" and others:
(Scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see the PDFs)
RuneNation's "Cold Start" drill & printable target:
Dr. Jimmy Turner's "Phone Call" Drill:
Probably the most obvious site to place here:
ConcealedCarry.com also has a ton of resources. Go check them out!
Printable Targets for Dry Fire & Live Fire: https://www.concealedcarry.com/free-targets-and-downloadable-resources/
Concealed Carry Law Summary Map: https://www.concealedcarry.com/concealed-carry-laws-in-the-united-states/
Reciprocity Map Builder: https://www.concealedcarry.com/dynamic-ccw-permit-reciprocity-map-builder/
Self Defensive Insurance Comparison Chart: https://www.concealedcarry.com/self-defense-gun-owner-insurance-programs-compared/
There's a heck of a lot more there, too much to list here. Seriously, go check them out.
Tier1 Concealment's Three Sevens Drill:
TactiCool Memes on Twitter (aka "X")
Lee Weems at First Person Safety has a ton of printable targets on his website.
After you get to the link, click on the "Training & Services" tab, and pick from the drop-down. The FPS-# targets are printable, my favorite being FPS-2.
John Hearne's printable targets:
John Hearne's amazing charts:
(Not exactly printable, but still a valuable resource that I choose to place here.)
Lots here.
tacticalprofessor | An elite marksman. A real shooter with aim. (thetacticalprofessor.net)
Lee Weems also has some printable targets on his First Person Safety site - https://firstpersonsafety.com/ and go look under "Training and Services" tab
Thank you for including the Concealed Carry dot com target page. Also on our site is a great library of gun laws by state or various topics as well as our Self-defense insurance comparison chart, and reciprocity map builder tools.