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IDPA Safety Officer Course

This is a FREE class to become an IDPA Safety Officer.

Class Description

Mekkos "Memphis" Beech is an IDPA Safety Officer Instructor (SOI), Chief Safety Officer (CSO), and former match director of several clubs. The IDPA Safety Officer Course has two venues to choose from: ~An 8-hour course is available at the Memphis Sports Shooting Association, typically on the last Saturday of the month. ~This same course is available at the TWRA Bartlett Range, divided into two halves. These halves are typically the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of the month, where the 2nd half coincides with a local match. This class will meet the requirements for new safety officers. We will cover skills needed to safely administer matches, including... • Safety Items, including DQ's • Scoring IDPA targets • Administering Procedural Errors • Legal stage design • Conducting equipment checks To be eligible, you must meet the minimum requirements as indicated in the Match Administrator book: M-14.2.1 IDPA members applying to take the IDPA Safety Officer Class should meet the following minimum qualifications to be considered: A) Be at least 21 years of age and be able to lawfully possess a firearm under the laws of your country of residence. B) Be a current IDPA member in good standing for at least six months, and never have had their membership revoked. C) Have shot at least six IDPA matches, at the club or sanctioned level. D) Possess a basic knowledge of the IDPA rulebook. E) Be sponsored by an IDPA-affiliated club representative that can confirm the applicants ability to safely handle a firearm and who is willing and able to provide designated mentor SOs committed to training the graduate SO. Gear List: • Eye and ear protection • A safe & reliable handgun * • A holster for your handgun * • Three magazines minimum * • Two magazine pouches minimum * • Concealment garment • Note taking materials • 100 rounds of ammunition * It is helpful (but not required) that all gear meets IDPA requirements.

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